Monday, March 15, 2010

Magical Noni (Morinda citrifolia)

Noni is a tree in the coffee family, Rubiaceae. Morinda citrifolia is native to Southeast Asia but has been extensively spread throughout the Indian subcontinent, Pacific islands, French Polynesia, Costa Rica, Barbados, Puerto Rico and recently the Dominican Republic. Tahiti remains the most prominent growing location. Noni grows in shady forests as well as on open rocky or sandy shores.

All parts of the noni plant can be used: roots, stems, bark, leaves, and flowers and of course the fruits.

The medicinal properties of Noni were discovered, more than 2000 years ago, by the Polynesians, who imported the fruit from Southeast Asia. Today the noni fruits is eaten in many parts of the world, mainly in the Pacific Islands, Southeast Asia and Australia. Those who recovered from illness after eating the noni fruit called it „the fruit of God”. In 2003, noni juice was approved by the European Commission as a novel food and was allowed to be commercialized in the EU.

Magical proprieties:

- Noni juice contains a whole slew of cancer fighting nutrients. It kills cancer cells (the anthraquinone damnacanthal and the trace element selenium), it stops the spread of cancer (beta sitosterol, noni-ppt and limonene), it stimulates the white blood cells and other parts of the immunity system (polysaccharides) and takes part in a process that enlarges

- Innumerable people, as well as health professionals, have reported miraculous, life-changing health improvements as a result of Noni use. Neal Solomon, M.D., Ph.D., Maryland's first Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene and a New York Times best selling author, has compiled studies that indicate significant health improvements as a result of Noni use. Such conditions include: HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE, CANCER, PSORIAZIS, DIABETES, STRESS, KIDNEY PROBLEMS, SLEEPING PROBLEMS, ECZEMA, PMS & MENSTRUAL CRAMPS, ARTHRITIS, ASTHMA, GASTRIC ULCERS, INJURIES, DEPRESSION, SENILITY, POOR DIGESTION, ARTERIOSCLEROSIS, BLOOD-VESSEL PROBLEMS, EYE INFECTIONS, DRUG ADDICTION, PAIN, ANTIBACTERIAL , ANTIPARASITIC, ANTI-INFLAMMATORY , ANTIOXIDANT.

Tahitian Noni Juice has been tested in 13 clinical trials with positive results:

- Is Cholesterol-Friendly

- Is a Super-Antioxidant

- Supports the Immune System

- Increase Energy.

The Tahitian Noni Juice is backed by dozens of scientific papers, including 13 published human clinical trials. It has won 27 Patents Worldwide, 139 Patents Pending, 18 patents Not Made Public.

Someday everyone will know about TAHITIAN NONI JUICE! What about you? Act now and tell the story!

For more informations contact me at

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Sauerkraut (sour cabbage)

Sauerkraut, a healthy food produced by fermenting salted cabbage in large vats, has a long tradition of use in cultures around the world.. Put the pickled cabbage, along with dill, lovage, cumin seeds and fruits of juniper and some rice and soy. This recipe was used in China a thousand years ago. The building of the Great Wall of China was possible due to sauerkraut, a staple food to feed slaves. Chinese doctors recommended that workers be fed daily with sauerkraut. The chinese recipe was taken by the peoples of Russia. The British fleet captain, James Cook, introduced sauerkraut on the menu of his sailors, rescuing them of vitamin deficiency.

Sauerkraut is almost synonymous with being German and is strongly identified with German culture. The name Sauerkraut is derived from two German words, “Sauer” which is translated as sour English and “kraut”, the German word for cabbage - the vegetable that is used in making it. Thus, in English it can be translated as sour cabbage.

Sauerkraut contains vitamins, trace elements and mineral salts, ascorbic acid, vitamin C, magnesium. Dietologie specialists believe that for some patients sauerkraut is more useful than the fresh cabbage because lactic acid inhibits produced in a fermentation process enriched with vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6 and B9.

The magical propreietes of sauerkraut:

- Lactic acid inhibits putrefying bacteria in the intestinal tract and promotes the proliferation of healthy flora;

- Sauerkraut is a very good detoxified. Some diseases of liver, kidney and musculoskeletal system can be fixed with the consumption of sauerkraut as a detoxifying;

- To people with asthma is recommended daily consumption of sauerkraut salads;

- The researchers noted the abundance of anti-oxidants, which are free radical scavengers useful in offsetting cellular damage that can lead to cancer. Sauerkraut contains large amounts of specific antioxidants like lutein and zeaxanthin; these compounds are proven preservers of ocular health in humans;

- Sauerkraut juice is also credited with high medical qualities; its consumption is recommended for flu prevention, as a gastroregulator for a variety of gastrointestinal conditions, from diarrhea to constipation, ulcers, bronchitis and various other digestive and respiratory diseases and disordes, anemia;

- Some research suggest that it may even be an aphrodisiac;

- There is no requirement to consume large amounts of sauerkraut to gain health. Eating just a few tablespoons of the pickled cabbage on a daily basis will suffice for most people;

- It is quite easy to prepare sauerkraut at home. The traditional German sauerkraut is made from shredded raw cabbage, good quality fresh cabbages are ideal in preparing the sauerkraut. To make the traditional sauerkraut, good quality raw cabbages can be shredded and then mashed. Once this is done, the mashed pulp of the shredded cabbage and the juice should be salted with the addition of water, a glass canning jar can then be used to pack this mixture for the process of fermentation to occur. The mixture in the glass jar must then be left to stand at room temperature for several days, this time period is necessary to let bacteria initiate the process of fermentation. In several days, the sauerkraut will be ready to eat.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Magical Parsley (Petroselinum crispum)

Parsley is a member of the Carrot family. It is one of the most widely used herb to garnish meals, but only few people are aware that parsleys also has some wonderful healing properties. Parsley is rich in vitamins A, B and C. It can be eaten raw or cooked.

Parsley is native to the Mediterranean region of Southern Europe. Parsley has been cultivated for more than 2,000 years. The ancient Greeks held parsley to be sacred, using it to not only adorn victors of athletic contests, but also for decorating the tombs of the deceased.

Magical proprieties of parsley:

- Parsley has a rich source of anti-oxidant nutrients that help us to increase the antioxidant capacity of the blood.

- Parsley is good for a healthy heart! Parsley is a good source of folic acid, one of the most important B vitamins. Homocysteine is a potentially dangerous molecule that, at high levels, can directly damage blood vessels, and high levels of homocysteine are associated with a significantly increased risk of heart attack and stroke in people with atherosclerosis or diabetic heart disease. The consumption of parsley is a good idea for individuals who either have, or wish to prevent, these diseases.

- Many of you I believe that you have not heard about Parsley's ability to stimulate menstruation! Parsley is a wonderful herb for bringing on a late period. Parsley is a mild emmenagogue (an herb which stimulates menstruation). It’s is recommended preparation of a strong tea made from the fresh plant. After you drink this strong tea of parsley, bleeding would start in a few of hours. Usually after drinking the parsley tea, period should start by the next day.

- It is said to inhibit tumor-cell growth while stimulating the digestion and the uterus;

- It aids digestion and helps prevent the formation of gas within the stomach and intestines. So, parsley contributes to expel flatulence.

- It is one of the best diuretics;

- Is used to relaxes spasms, reduce inflammation and helps to clear toxins from the body;

- Parsley can help to combat garlic breath.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Magical Basil (Ocimum basilicum)

As a highly regarded and popular culinary herb, basil is often found throughout many people's homes. But basil can be used for more than just flavoring your favorite dish. The leaves are usually dried and used for medicinal, culinary and cosmetic purposes, as well as the essential oil, yet the seeds or roots are rarely used. Basil is good "for the grief and for those with a heavy heart", is a very good for calming, refreshing and stimulating nerves.

Basil is known as a healing plant, with many magical properties ever since the Phoenicians. Also, in the old pre-Christian cultures, in the Middle East and especially in Palestine, basil was considered a sacred plant, used for religious purposes. These powers were preserved in times, so basil is still used by Christians for the sanctifietion of water, in the process of transformation in holy water.

Basil has been an herbal remedy, used for ages to treat diseases of the brain, heart, lungs, bladder, reviving vitality (when infused as a tea). Basil is normally used to combat colds and influenza, poor digestion, nausea, abdominal cramps, gastro-enteritis, migraine, insomnia, when your spirits are low, anxiety, exhaustion. The Swedish biochemists found that in basil concoctions are present over 14 active principles which can be used as alternatives for at least 40 types of diseases starting with problems of skin and sensitivity to the complex neuro-hormonal dysfunctions.

Basil has magical properties, of which I remind you some:

- Basil is used for detoxification (especially for treating alcoholism and tobacco and drug effects on the human body). Consumption of basil tea daily for three weeks, increases by 25-35% the rate of metabolism. Biochemists found that in the basil leaves are present six substances of ketons with direct action on liver cells.

- Basil has sedative and calming qualities, alleviating anxiety;

- Pop a handful of basil in 250ml of boiling water and allow to stand for 5 minutes, than use it as a gargle for clearing mouth infections;

- Basil is also an antiseptic and antibacterial herb. Its healing properties can be used as a digestive aid to relieve nausea and an upset stomach;

- Basil is antispasmodic, so aids in the healing and relief of headaches and migraines, vertigo and even colic;

- As a culinary herb, basil is one of the most cleansing and helps with healing kidney and urinary problems;

- Basil tea can reduce the rate of conversion of sugars into fat, although the mechanism is not known yet very well in the herbal medicine;

- Basil provides a source of beta-carotene, estragole, eugenol, borneol and Vitamin C;

- Basil is used as an aphrodisiac too.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Lets go back to herbal medicine!

Plants are healing drugs for body and soul. Even thought we’re thinking to live on moon.. humanity didn’t get to identify the exact number of plant species currently in existence. The earth gave us the solution for healing.. we just have to use it! All the diseases are "coming from earth”, not from space, and so, their healing should come also from earth!
An herb is a plant used for its scent, flavor or therapeutic properties. The use of herbs to treat disease is almost universal! Herbs have been used for healing since the beginning of time. A large percentage of prescription medicines are plant based, so propagation of endangered medicinal plants is necessary to our future survival. It takes a long time to restore habitats, and there is no way to bring back extinct medicinal herb species.